Today's pick is @lacindkay, who sent us this message and photo (click to enlarge):
"Chris at Ichiban allllll the way man! He's Kansas'd the shit outta my arm!"

@lacindakay plans to go back for more, adding a good old-fashioned Kansas twister to the mix of sunflowers and windmills.
Chip: "I'm wanting to get something very Larryville-specific. Maybe my two favorite Quinton's waitresses tattooed on each butt cheek? I think they'd ultimately be more honored than disgusted by my tribute."
Readers, do you want your tattoos to be showcased here for Larryville to peruse? Tweet us a message about your tattoo and its artist along with a pic to @larryvillelife .
Having perhaps tired of children's games like kickball, Larryville scenesters turn their attention tonight to an old folks' past-time: bingo. But this is Heavy Metal Bingo, featuring metal bands (Rimjob and Coventry Sacrifice), free prizes, and (presumably) bingo! It's at the Bottleneck. It's free. The FB event page is here .
According to the LJ-World, the City Fathers last night "unanimously agreed to pledge $20,000 per year for the next five years" to insure that Larryville's new community theater project (TheatreLawrence) can take shape way out west at 6th and Wakarusa.
Let's check in and see if local talkbackers support this move.
Pete_Schweti says: "My God, these people really will approve anything."
Richard: "On one hand, I remain opposed to moving a "community" theatre outside of the local arts community. On the other hand, it keeps me further away from another fucking production of Nunsense."
Chip: "Actually, there's not even a singing nun play on the bill this season. But they're doing Steel Magnolias in April. I'm going to cry so hard when I see it."
Here's a rendering of your future community theatre via LJ-World:

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