The Occupy Lawrence protesters may not be afraid of police brutality, but after (alleged) physical and sexual assaults by local hobos (who were apparently invited into the tents) they have become so frightened that they are apparently giving up their tents and sleeping on the ground, presumably because it's pretty easy to outrun a staggery hobo in the open air.
Group members are also considering various options to deal with these problems, such as
"distribution of a flier titled “Creating a safe space,” which asks participants to 'refrain from engaging in activities that are not conducive to creating and maintaining a safe space'" (LJ-World). Let's assume that "inviting hobos into your tents" will be included among the unsafe activities.
Chip: "Another option for the protesters would be to go home at night and sleep in a cozy bed."
The LJ-World talkback, as you might expect, is solid gold.
FalseHopeNoChange says: "These radical malcontents are the best of the best in Larryville. They are examples of the finest government education the Liberal Spring can provide. The cream has risen to the top. Who says the future of this country they call United is gloomy. Oh. And they can also multitask by reporting crimes while breaking the law."
Larrynative says: "If a person was raped at a local bar, you would all be screaming to close the bar and blame the owner. Occupy Lawrence provides a rape tent and their supporters don't want to blame Occupy Lawrence."
We suspect "Rape Tent" will become a future band name or song title for a local metal band. Are you listening, Troglodyte? This could be a great follow-up to "Skunk Ape Rape."
Speaking of potentially offensive band names, Canada's AIDS Wolf hits the Replay tonight. They've been slammed (3.9) and modestly praised (6.9) in Pitchfork over the years. Here's Pitchfork pointing out their "buzzworthy" aspects of their debut The Lovvers (yes, it has two 'v's):
"There's the Montreal mailing address, the cluelessly offensive name, the awkward hairy-fairy nude photos, and the fact that Wolf Parade's Arlen Thompson helped record the eight tracks that make up the official debut (though they spelled his last name wrong in the liner notes)."A little research after that "hairy-fairy nude photo" reference revealed that, indeed, the band is prone to naked publicity photos. Avert your eyes quickly!

Also on tonight's bizarre triple bill is Henry and Hazel Slaughter. We're pretty sure it's not this gospel act:

And we're pretty sure it's this guy:

Opening the evening is KC's Folkicide, who recently got some attention in the Pitch and
here on our blog and sounds absolutely bonkers.
Someone please go and report back to us.