With generous extra funding from the city fathers, Lawrence's Get Down Town Festival has expanded to two full days this year (Oct. 3 and 4) in hopes that someone might actually notice it. The festival even has its own website and mascot (www.getdowntownlawrence.com)
Chip: "I find this mascot very offensive. Just look at that fucking hippie, would you, with his big shoes stretched forward as if to trample the squares in his path. Most of us do not go around flashing peace signs. And most of do not "get down" in the streets. We do our dancing in places that are meant for dancing, like at wedding receptions, or when there's a DJ at Abe and Jake's and the sorority girls are grinding, as the kids do these days."
Richard: "I thought one of the purposes of expanding was to bring in some big-name national acts to this festival. Am I the only one who remembers that Wilco was playing in the streets here just four months ago!? And the best this festival can do is Ivan Neville and Dumpstaphunk. Ivan is not even the coolest of the Neville Brothers!"
So who was the coolest of the Neville brothers?
I'm the coolest Neville!
Will there be Port-a-Johns at this thing, just in case I need to dumpstaphunk?
"I want to design septic tanks for playgrounds. You know, so little children can take shits."
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