--a young basketball star who insists on rubbing his penis against women in elevators!
--a sketch involving two ne'er-do-well twins from Memphis who move to the Midwest and proceed to go on a drunken BB-gun spree
Chip: "This event used to possess a wonderful, drunken energy when it was actually held late at night and the scrimmage wasn't allowed to start until after midnight and all the students got nice and toasted before going to the fieldhouse. Now it's early and dull and always during Fall Break and this year is combined with a fundraising drive where we're asked to bring canned goods! I'd rather watch the Jerry Lewis telethon than go to this."
For those of you have already seen and re-seen Beverly Hills Chihuaha and read and re-read Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World, a new film has appeared on DVD that might just be worth your time. It's called Duck, and stars the great Philip Baker Hall. Here's the synopsis from the interweb:
"Set in Los Angeles in the near distant future, DUCK is a somber comedy about a lost man and the duck who latches onto him, both looking for direction after the last of the city's parks is closed."

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