Richard: "While it's true that the LJ-World has devoted a shocking amount of space to WNIT coverage this week, they have not neglected their usual hard-hitting news coverage. For instance, sharing equal space with the Lady Jayhawks on today's front page, is the story of 'Beans the Cat,' a local feline who took a hilarious journey to California by stowing away on a neighbor's moving truck. After a week's absence, the family and Beans were reunited."
Chip: "That cat is an absolute prankster!"
[photo from LJ-World]

But not everyone is touched by this story. On the LJ-World discussion boards, Pogo offers this: "Why was this cat running about “at large”? There is a City leash law for cats. It really needs to be seriously enforced." Then he posts a lengthy list of city animal ordinances.
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