Richard joined the throngs for a parade up Mass. Street while Chip, across town, awoke from his Republican dreams confused by all the honking and shouting.
Chip: "Oh, sure, the downtown celebration is inspiring and all, but it's not as much fun as the basketball championship celebration. I saw titties at that one."
(Is that Obama himself on Mass. Street in the picture below? nope, but it's a sweet lifesize cardboard cut-out!).

While most of us were downtown, a certain contigent of art-loving hipsters gathered at the DotDotDot gallery near the porn store at 19th and Haskell for the opening of Aaron Stork's ""Wizard Ningxt" exhibition of "new 2-D and 3-D works" (
Chip: "Actually, I do love 3-D art, as long as it's the kind where you stare at the shapes a long time and eventually you see a sailboat or something!"
But let's allow the artist to speak for himself this time around. Here's a quote from yesterday's in-depth interview with Stork:
"The transsexual I have in the show is this very good looking, Thai lady-boy. I’m trying to assault the viewer with this "Crying Game" moment. I have several pictures of her looking almost like Sharon Stone, but then you see this erotic shot with her dick and asshole."
"I came up with a character named Salad Man, who’s covered in trash like an idiot or a sort of American clown. He represented all of the contradictions and weird, fucked up things America does like in Iraq."
Chip: "And people wonder why I'm scared of art?! Salad Man, for God's sake! My verdict: not art."
Richard: "The connection between Iraq and salad is not immediately clear to me, but it sounds important, and that's what matters. This is art, without question.
"While the rest of Kansas went to bed more scared than usual of black people."
This may be the truest thing ever to appear on the LC.
And to it, I retort:
(Lawrence excluded of course... They get their hip-hop on fresh down there!)
--First Stop: Ft. Scott.
Sometimes we achieve pure truth. Or "truthiness," at least.
I come to the LC for hturh. That's either a strange, hippopotamus creature found in science-fiction novels, or "truth" backwards. On a good day reading the LC, it's both!
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