Friday, October 16, 2009

Sports Pick of the Day: Late Night in the Phog! / Plus, A. Ruscin's Controversial Zombie Photo of the Week!

Sure, KU has one of the few undefeated football teams in the nation, but none of that matters as of today season is here! Yes, the official opening festivity of the season is tonight: Late Night in the Phog will bring its patented tradition of wacky sketches, dances, and scrimmages to the Field House at 6:30 (not exactly "late night" anymore, but oh well...there's more time to get shitfaced afterwards).

Here are some good ideas for sketches you probably will NOT see:

--a Sharks vs. Jets street rumble parody featuring members of the football and basketball teams

--an edgy elevator sketch where C.llins whips it out!

--a sketch with a drunken outrunning local authorities while yelling "I don't DO jail!"

In fact, if you've been following the LJ-World this past week, you might have noticed an all-out campaign to help readers forget the less-than-impressive off-court antics of the team by focusing on a series of cute stories such as: Cole "The Sheriff" sure is a big fan of the Minnesota Twins! or, even better, the story of how Coll.ns and have really bonded this semester during their long walks to their Women's Studies course (where they are the only two guys in the room).

Chip: "Now I'm not saying these gentlemen don't have a strong interest in 'women's studies,' but ten bucks says they've banged every woman in there or will have by Thanksgiving."

Richard: "I'm sure it's a very liberating thing for an uptight feminist from Johnson County to fuck a couple of basketball players. The arrangement works for everyone."


A. Rusc.n's photo spreads from the recent zombie fashion show have finally made it to, including the following photo (a "spread" indeed) which has proved a bit too revealing for some readers (judging from the talkbacks). Take a look (and click to enlarge):

Chip: "The guys in the audience are not even looking at her panties. Why?"


EW said...

That's a new English GTA in the background with her arm wrapped around her midsection.

Awesome :)

Of course, Nog doesn't know this because Nog knows that the newbies are to be avoided. They like zombie pantyhose, apparently.

EW said...

(Actually, that newbie is cool. All the newbies are, really. Nog is missing out.)