There are plenty of music options for a scorching hot holiday weekend in LFK.
Let's showcase a few.
Two area bands that are most likely to be playing arenas in the future hit the Granada on Friday. It's a Quiet Corral album release party with opener Cowboy Indian Bear. Also on the bill: former Get Up Kid and current urban chicken enthusiast Matt Pryor as well as Y[our] Fri[end]. It's a big show.
Shy Boys are making some of the prettiest songs around these days. Listen to "Heart is Mine" via Bandcamp. They'll be playing quietly down at Love Garden earlier on Friday evening along with Empty Spaces.

If loud is what you crave, look no further than Saturday at the Replay when France's Catholic Spray hits town along with Fag Cop (they're back!?) and UZIS and Burial Teens and Wayne Pain and the Shit Stains (they're back and still unlistenable!). Chip enjoys the FB profile pic of Catholic Spray.

And the big community event of the weekend is "A Benefit For Your Friend Thad" at Liberty Hall on Saturday, which will raise money to help pay local barkeep Thad's medical bills. For $5 you'll be entertained by the likes of Pale Hearts, the Foxy By Proxy gals, and even the legendary Shitty Deal Puppet Theatre (the Victor Continental show may be dead...but the puppets live on!). Visit the FB event page here for full details.

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