Scenesters, perhaps you spent a hard Monday at work yesterday (unlikely), and then headed down to the Replay to slake your thirst with a PBR or ten, only to find this sign:

((photo via @AaronButell ).
You cried a little, didn't you? So make sure to head north tonight, because it's presumably Tallboy Tuesday at Frank's.
LFK's Quantrill mania continues through at least Sunday with various events. Tonight brings Jonathan Earle to the Carnegie Building at 7:00 to talk about his new book, Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri. If you like your history with a beer in hand, note that Free State will be on hand for this event and hopefully serving their new Phoenix Rising beer which they concocted for the anniversary events.
Chip: "The first sip tastes like murder, but the aftertaste is one of rebirth and renewal, at least until the next day's headache."
More details here via LPL.
And wake up early on Wednesday because the Twitter re-enactment, #QR1863 , kicks into high gear at 6:00 am and surely you want to watch it unfold in real-time, right? It's been strangely realistic and ominous this week watching Quantrill and his raiders muster their forces on Twitter for the raid. Click the link and give it a look.
Whether tweeting or watching, you'll certainly work up a powerful hunger for a bowl of 1863-style porridge (or even some coffee-crusted steak and eggs). So stop by the Eldridge between 7:00 and 11:00 am for a historically accurate breakfast and hope that no drunk Missourians decide to burn the place down again as part of the 150th anniversary events.

And if all of this history is too much for you, escape into fantasy at the Bottleneck on Wednesday evening with a "Robots and Wrestling" edition of Super Nerd Night featuring performances from the She Bangs and Not a Planet. There's a FB event page here but it's sadly lacking in the usual awesome flyers. With both "Nerd Nite" and "Science on Tap" taking a vacation in August, this is your best bet this month for combining nerdery and booze.
But will Free State's ass-kickingly potent new beer called Andre the Giant be on tap? We doubt it. But it would certainly be a good idea.
Will a robot-Quantrill pop up at this event?

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