Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unusual Local Bargain of the Day at 715 Restaurant / Current Literary Trends / New Work From New Suede

Our Twitter-buddies down at 715 are always doing odd things, and this seems like an intriguing summer option for the ladies:

Chip: "It's a nice idea, but surely there should be something comparable for the gentlemen. Can I have free tea if I dress like a bit of a dandy? Or maybe a fop?"


We love literary trends. Our current favorite, of course, is inserting monsters into classic literary texts. Our second favorite: animal narrators. Our third favorite: rewriting classic texts from the point of view of minor characters.

A good example is the just-released Daisy Buchanan's Daughter, by Tom Carson, which offers up the life story of Pam (who is 2 years old and barely mentioned in Gatsby):

"Pam’s jokey, reference-thick double talk (“Don’t go all Wiki in the knees”) defines every page... It can be hard to grasp the emotional content — or precise meaning — of sentences like this: “She could get fairly snippy about talking me down from the tree where she’d just caught me putting the feminocentric cart before the horse again" (NY-Times).

Chip: "It's indeed hard to catch her meaning. Why is there a horse in a tree? Also, I'm rewriting Black Beauty from the point of view of the horse."

Richard: "I'm hard at work on my own literary spin-off. It follows the life of Holden's sister, Phoebe, from Catcher in the Rye, and I think you'll find it's actually quite good. And not at all phony."


When New Suede release a new video, it's best to just kick back and let it wash over you, like the striking images of a Terence Malick film. Here is a video for their song "Horses." It's about horses.

Chip: "This post has turned sort of surprisingly pony-centric, hasn't it?

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