Monday, June 8, 2009

The LC Recommends a New Hipster Band to Delight You! / Plus, Kickball Scores! / Also, The Boys Play a Round of "Look at This Fucking Hipster"

Hipsters, by now you've surely listened to Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest upwards of two hundred times, and while it's still perfect, perhaps you're in need of something new and not quite as well-known (according to the NY-Times, Grizzly Bear have now ascended to the "highbrow mainstream," making them much less hip).

Allow us to recommend a band called Dirty Projectors. These excerpts (from the NY-Times and Pitchfork) should easily make our case that this should be your new favorite band before you hear a single note.

"The artwork of “Bitte Orca” features Mr. Longstreth gazing into the eyes of Friedrich Nietzsche." (NY-Times)

"Previous Dirty Projectors albums have been heavy on concept; “The Getty Address,” from 2005, is a “glitch opera” loosely about cultural imperialism, told through Don Henley and the Aztec people." (NY-Times)

"...many of the songs grew out of playful experiments. For the lyrics to “Stillness Is the Move” Mr. Longstreth had Ms. Coffman watch the Wim Wenders film “Wings of Desire” and write down lines of dialogue that intrigued her; other lyrics were drawn from an Excel spreadsheet of hundreds of pop clichés." (NY-Times)

"The last Dirty Projectors full-length, 2007's Rise Above, reimagined a Black Flag hardcore classic as an art-jazz cave painting." (Pitchfork)

The new album, Bitte Orca, drops tomorrow. The album cover is pictured below. See you at Love Garden!


In a shocking upset during last night's Game of the Week, the relatively unknown team called Screamers defeated Free State Brewing 21-1. There's only one possible explanation for this: the Free State Brewing team was completely and irrecoverably drunk by the 9:00 game time.


LC-supporter and fashion maven Beth recently turned us onto a fascinating website called "Look at this fucking hipster" (, which offers pictures of hipsters in their natural habitats accompanied by amusing captions (basically, the same kind of shit we've been doing here for years without an audience). Let's play a round of latfh today using photos from last night's Replay show. Yes, it's a new feature that shows why it's probably better if the LC remains relatively private. If you see yourself or your friends here, we don't mean any particular harm.

An attractive goth chick and a young woman dressed like your grandmother are either bonding over their coolness or preparing to make out.

Life imitates art as this hipster strikes a pose in front of the Replay's new mural. Do you think he works at Ace Hardware, or is he just a fan?

This hipster chick has some sweet dragon tattoos on her back and some funky glasses and we'd totally bang her.


brandt said...

Only guys who look like The Dude, kicking an ACE hardware shirt can so casually flip off the camera. Envy!

loved the film Orca, but not so sure about Bitte Orca said...

Someone needs to tell the Dirty Projectors that albums "loosely about cultural imperialism, told through Don Henley and the Aztec people" is practically the biggest "pop cliche" going.

But Charles Olson might approve.

boys of summer said...

But who ARE the people on the Replay mural? Isn't that bearded dude the doorman of the bar? And why can't I get MY picture on there?

Hipster-deprived said...

Wow, I'd forgotten what real hipsters look like. Thanks for the documentary photographs. Plus--I like the new mural.

plenty to go around said...

You're most welcome! We're happy to share local hipsters with anyone.