2) Paul Blart: Mall Cop, the highest grossing comedy of the year, arrives on DVD today. We reported extensively on its surprise popularity at the time, so there's no need for in-depth treatment again. Instead, a simple reminder: It's still funny to see that fat man on a Segway!
3) But both of those picks are far too mainstream for the hipsters. Where should the hipsters go? It's a no-brainer. On Thursday, the TapRoom offers another installment of their "Twin Peaks Project," in which local musicians gather to perform pieces from the legendary cult series.
Richard: "Wow, Bob, wow!"
Chip: "I suspect that's a reference to the show, which I did not see. What was I watching in 90-91? I was watching what normal people were watching: America's Funniest Home Videos."
In the second installment of this summer photography series, we take a look at the new mural along the south wall of the Replay patio.

Richard: "Kansas' best bar just got better! But why are there old people in the bar? Old people are inherently unhip...except for that ancient lesbian couple who attend the patio shows. They're cool."
Chip: "I hope they used PBR-resistant paint, because this 'art' will soon be coated with that swill."
The thing about Paul Blart: It may have been a "runaway" or "surprise" hit, and it's been in theaters forever and a day, but if you look at its gross, it's still way below what any of the summer blockbusters are doing. People went to see it largely out of boredom and lack of competition.
It's funny to watch fatty fall down!
(another surprising and undeserved winter sensation: Taken).
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