Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Scenester Guide: Art, Fashion, Rock and Roll

Readers, it's Halloween weekend, and there's a lot going on, but you'll be too drunk most of the time to even know which show you're at, so we're not going to bother trying to cover it all.

Look for us at Final Fridays (mostly in Wonder Fair's "blanket fort") and at Fashion Monsters 5 at the Replay (more fucking zombies?). But if we were truly hip we'd probably go to the Jackpot and see Bleached. Look at this LA Times blurb:

"If you swept up all the vegan muffin crumbs and other detritus from the Smell's floor, combined it with some sawdust from a dirtbag country bar where Merle Haggard once drunkenly two-stepped, and then threw in some tangy candy bits only found at a little corner store around the way from where Joey Ramone's grandmother lived, you'd have something like Bleached."

Openers include your weekly dose of Mouthbreathers and an appearance by "consumate synthesizer artists" CVLTS (yes, the interweb site we consulted spelled "consummate" incorrectly).

We like their album cover, which has some boobies on it (and click here for an important list, with photos, of more than 30 album covers that contain "visible nipples").

1 comment:

Scary Manilow said...

Come see Spook Lights, Dry Bonnet, and Long Shadows at the Replay Halloween party this Saturday, CHUMPS!