Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Boys Consider Hipster Churches / Another Visit to Coach Self's Twitter Page / Recent Concert Reviews

"Hipster megachurch Mosaic hopes to 'crash the Super Bowl' with spoof Christ resurrection ad"

When the boys spotted that interweb headline, they simply had to read on.

It seems that Doritos is sponsoring a "Crash the Super Bowl" contest: people can submit videos promoting Doritos and one lucky ad will be chosen to air during the game. One of the six finalists was submitted by an LA church named Mosaic, described as follows:

"...a congregation full of hip twenty-somethings who mostly work in the film industry and make short films for a hobby...".

The ad involves a prank in which a man pretends to be dead, hiding in a coffin and munching on Doritos while watching the game on a tiny TV. The coffin gets overturned and he is miraculously "resurrected."

The church's pastor explains: "We're not trying to use Doritos to propagate a message, but I think we want people to know that we have a sense of humor, that it's OK to laugh."

Richard: "Yes, I often go to church and think that the service is not really hilarious enough. Surely Larryville too is in dire need of a hipster church, maybe one that occasionally offers a more lighthearted communion consisting of PBR and Wheatfield's bread, and where we occasionally drop in a Transmittens tune as one of the 'hymns.'"

Chip: "While I love the idea of mixing Doritos and religion, the idea of a hipster church is terrifying to me."

Honorable Reverend H: "Shouldn't I have a line in this church-related blog?"

Watch the video and read the story here:


Coach Self's latest "tweet":

"Watch lots colorado tape so much better tuf task 10-1 @hm head to mnts today...."

Richard: "Okay, I don't believe for a minute that he writes this near-illiterate shit and can't understand why he'd allow himself to be associated with it."


The boys love rap shows, but they don't care for the gunfire that tends to go along with them at the Granada. Luckily, the hipster/rap scene is growing stronger in town as evidenced by last night's Jackpot show featuring a female rapper named Dessa. The Pitch's review tells you all you need to know about the mixture of hipster and rap culture:

"Like a sassy, rapping Fiona Apple, opening act Dessa spouted lyrics crafted with a singer-songwriter intensity that was both confessional and political. Between her smart, sly verse, pretty face and read-aloud fan letter to Dave Eggers, at least half the crowd was crushing on her by the end of her set, me included."


will you go to the dance with me? check yes or no. said...

The writer of that review sounds like a 12 year old junior high girl. "Crushing on"? Really? Then again, Self sounds the same way. Perhaps that's the goal nowadays. I'll take the mature, foul-mouthed musings of a teenaged N.ggle and Ch.p!

mildly opinionated... said...

I'll say it again...Dave Eggars SUCKS! Can we leave him out of this blog? It kind of ruins my day when I have to think about him...

a heartbreaking genius said...

Like him or not, Eggers name surfaces often in hipster circles. We must not turn away from that which sucks the most.

(but we SHOULD have a new "creative nonfiction" multi-part series recounting the adventures of young Nog and Chip as they fuck their way through the South learning about life and love and it should contain a lot of jokes about "farmer's daughters" and possibly sheep).

Bill Self says: rotflmao

Capt. Chanute said...

Speaking of Bill Self and Jayhawks: there is a young man behind Kansas's 2nd half bucket with a sign that reads "You live in Kansas." What does that mean? Is this a hipster's way of getting in our heads? Does this somehow affect the hippocampus versus the midbrain battle that is mind over matter when it comes to the line? Or is it really ironic these days to simply state a fact? "You are black." "You are pretty much guaranteed to win the Big 12." "There are 13 people sitting in this row." Is the present really that hard to deal with in the digital age? I don't know. I need a cigarette, though.