Chip: "First off, I've never felt a real need for the 'Women of Distinction" calendar. Surely the women of the 'Women of KU' calendar are distinctive enough, not to mention far hotter. Just take a look at this shot, from a photo shoot for the upcoming 2009 'Women of KU' calendar, and tell me there aren't at least two very 'distinct' things about it:

Also, when will KU produce a 'beefcake' calendar to titillate the ladies. I'd rather be a hunk of beef than a man of merit, myself."
The boys often sit around and ponder various businesses they'd like to see open up in downtown Larryville (late-night diners; fried chicken franchises; Victoria's Secret). But somehow the perfection of the following idea escaped their consideration: a topless coffee shop.
Grand View Coffee, in the small New England town of Vassalboro, Maine, recently opened as a topless coffee shop, attracting big business in its opening days. A story reports: "Many local residents were irate over the idea of combining coffee and nudity. Crabtree, however, saw a profitable business venture. "I know what people want," he said. "People like nudity, and coffee is profitable."
Richard: "This would make grading papers in a coffee shop much more interesting and I'm fairly certain I'd give better grades as a result."
Chip: "One soy latte and one lap-dance, please. I'm sold. Best idea ever."
1 comment:
And it's gotta witty name, too, better than most coffee-shop pun names.
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