Now let's hope someone performs that “Zou Bisou Bisou” song that Megan performed for Don on this season's Mad Men premiere (Chip gets a boner at the very mention of that tune).
Get the full scoop on the FB event page here

Readers, were you on hand when Harlem, LFK's newest adorable creature, made its public debut at the Prairie Park Nature Reserve yesterday for Earth Day? Sadly, we missed it, but we plan to head over and party with that black-footed ferret soon: it's one of the world's most endangered animals.
Read a UDK piece on Harlem here here and check out a pic of Harlem we snagged from the Lawrence Parks and Recreation FB page :

Also, Pierced Arrows is at Jackpot tonight. They're from Portland. They used to be in Dead Moon. You'll probably like them.

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