Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Into Summer (Reader Reviews) / Final Friday Coverage Begins / Summer Reading Guide

In yesterday's comments, Scary Manilow (rightly) noted the sad lack of local media coverage regarding the late-night indoor Replay portion of the Spring Into Summer Festival. As for us, we had a good excuse for not covering it (passed out in the alley behind Replay). And I Heart Local Music was stationed at the Jackpot for the evening. And presumably was compiling recipes for today's Meatless Monday column. Luckily, one of our readers, MDuck, submitted this fun and concise commentary on three of the Replay's sets:

"What Scary Said. I haven't seen anyone mention the absolutely mind-blowing set by Up The Academy, which clearly lit a fire under Mouthbreathers and set up the Spook Lights to deliver a set so good I could no longer stand. It dawned on me at one point that the Rapture HAD, in fact, occurred, and that those of us in attendance were the Chosen Ones and our eternal reward was a fully-stocked bar and an endless night of exquisite rock."


With the next Final Friday Art Walk around the corner, we'll be devoting some time this week to various events. The first one to catch our eye is Jodi Brown's "No Jacket Required" opening at The Invisible Hand Gallery. The artist's notes describe the show as "a compilation of images derived from authors' book jacket photos. The images portray the churning realities of absurdity, sexuality, insecurity, and futility that lay beneath the glossy veneer. In breaking apart and reassembling cultural output, I am determined to engage as participant in - and not just receptacle for - the creation of American cultural identity."

As literary geeks, we're pretty hyped, and we're hoping the artist incorporates Tea Obreht's jacket photo from The Tiger's Wife , the best book we've read recently (actually, Chip hasn't finish the book yet, because he keeps getting distracted by Obreht's attractive jacket photo).


And speaking of books, we're anxious to begin our summer reading list, which is filled with the usual postmodern shenanigans we so enjoy (DFW's The Pale King, of course, but also David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, which we have--embarrassingly--not yet read).

But we'll also make time for some lighter fare. As our old fans know, we're suckers for werewolf fiction (though our own attempt at a multi-authored werewolf blog serial was a spectacular failure). So we'll certainly be reading Glen Duncan's The Last Werewolf: "Jake is 200 years old and fond of Scotch and aging, jaded sybarite who battles boredom and existential despair as well as werewolf hunters and vampires." (Time magazine).

Richard: "I was so excited right up until the vampires. Can't we have a single fucking horror novel without a vampire in it?"

Chip: "The existential angle makes this acceptable for the highbrow crowd as well. You'll see me reading this at the Pig."

Even more highly anticipated (by us) is Nicholson Baker's House of Holes: A Book of Raunch, which has been described as a "gleefully provocative, off-the-charts sex novel that is unlike anything you've ever read." (Time magazine)

Chip: "It's awfully hard to provoke readers these days, unless maybe it's about bestiality. But Edward Albee already covered that ground with his sex-with-a-goat premise, and on stage no less."

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