After today, we assume everyone will be far too drunk throughout the 4th of July weekend to read this blog, so here are a few weekend picks in addition to the all-important Fourth of July on the Fourth of July show at the Replay. We hinted at this yesterday, but it's now officially a confirmed farewell show (read the Pitch piece here ). Since the band is hoping to play for 2 full hours, hopefully someone is sober enough to realize that opener Hospital Ships has to go on before midnight. Also, rumor has it that the evening will end with the biggest group hug in LFK history between bands and fans.
Before the swan song begins, there's the LFK's fireworks display, naturally. The city wants you to watch from Watson Park but we know you'll be over on the levee, getting high. See you there. But for the family crowd, Sellout will provide entertainment in the park during the evening. The kids love 'em because they wear funny wigs and shit. For higher-quality early-evening musical choices, it's possible that the badass Adam Lee is playing a Replay matinee (it's on the Replay calendar, at any rate, though we didn't immediately spot it on Lee's FB page or anywhere else). And apparently Abe and Jake's is still a thing, since they're hosting a big fireworks watch party as well. And ff you're not into the whole nostalgia thing at the Replay's late-night affair and just prefer shaking your ass (for freedom!) with DJ Dat Butt and the boys, the following is happening at the Jackpot:

For your hungover Friday plans, Spirit is the Spirit hits the Replay with Heartscape Landbreak and Volcano Veins. Gaze into this flyer and be hypnotized:

The always funny and frenetic KC Bear Fighters take the stage at Frank's on Saturday. Rumor is that the former cockfighting ring will actually be transformed into a bear-baiting pit for this show.

And for the aging scenesters, a Bubble Boys reunion is on tap at the Replay Saturday. Look 'em up, kids. (actually, they were before our LFK era as well).

See you next week with plenty of Lawrence Field Day Fest coverage. It kicks off on July 11.
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