Readers, it's a blazing hot day in LFK and we've been punching and kicking our way through the sidewalk sale all morning.
Chip scored this sweet old film poster. We haven't seen the film yet. But we will. Great tagline: "Anybody's back seat will do."
We were among the first to sample LFK's newest breakfast hot spot, The Roost. The Lost Weekend is almost certain to become our go-to Friday breakfast cocktail.
And finally we stopped by for a quick, refreshing dip in the Wonder Fair pool with Meredith and the WF gang.
We're declaring it a successful morning.
But how should LFK spend the rest of the weekend? Here are some options.
It's always funny when funny people are being funny at Frank's, so stop by on Friday for another installment of "Comedy Freakout." It has a good poster. We're not sure if drugs are provided or if you have to bring your own?

It's a blast from the past weekend at the Replay as the Pedaljets headline a Friday show and Unknown Stuntman reunite on Saturday. Go and make some memories. Or just sit in the corner getting hammered and relive the old memories.

On Saturday evening, Wonder Fair hosts Parcel's Three-Year Anniversary Party. If you don't know Parcel, it's LFK's hippest little literary mag. Our professor pal from K-State, Mr. Dan Hoyt, will be one of the readers at the event. You'll like his dark and funny tales of sports and masculinity (or whatever he's reading from on this night). Other people will read stuff too. Expect food, drinks, and the usual hijinks from Wonder Fair. Visit the FB event page here and the Parcel site here.
Look: a pony! They seem to really like ponies (but don't worry: this is not a magazine primarily full of poems about least we don't think so).
And the Jazzhaus (there's a name you don't hear too often on this blog!) hosts another blast-from-the-past event on Saturday evening. A screening of the new short documentary about Ricky Dean Sinatra followed by a performance from those legendary cut-ups that will last all the way to the break of...9:30 pm. Hey, we're all getting older!

This doc is one of several from our new friends at Our Town. That's their thing. They make short docs about LFK. And we can dig it. Give them a "like" on FB over here and you can watch the docs there too. They are currently "hard" (dick reference) at work documenting Victor Continental's final bash in Lawrence, which (as you know) goes down NEXT weekend in LFK.
There's probably more stuff happening this weekend too, but did we mention we are really worn out from that fucking sidewalk sale.
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