Readers, we've partied with Texas pranksters the Please Please Me on the Replay patio a bunch of times. They're prone to hijinks, audience participation, and kazoo jams. Plus, they sell sexy "Please Please Me" underwear. The "Please Please Me Panty Parade" tour hits LFK on Tuesday (they're at the Bottleneck this time) for an EP release party for Shake a Little Harder. Give them a "like" on FB over here and we'll see you on the dance-floor, twerking.
We asked the band to send us a short blurb for the show and they did a nice job. Here it is:
Why come out?
Reason #1-- You might get laid...make-out music to the max! We are called the Please, Please Me after all.
Reason #2-- You *will* get invited onstage
Reason #3-- Hot chick with a cello making crazy sounds with a cello you've never heard before.
Reason #4-- Drum orgy.

Perhaps a little less likely to get you laid is Free State's Science on Tap, but it's still a pretty nice evening of nerdery (despite awkward seating and very little of it). This month's installment (Tuesday at 7:30 at Free State) brings in our old pal Chris McKitterick, director of KU's Center for the Study of Science Fiction, to talk fiction. Here's the scoop from the National History Museum site:
"Speculative fiction has served as the mythology of our time, from the very first stories humans told one another to today's most relevant literature. These stories provide concrete, emotionally and intellectually satisfying paths toward making sense of living in a world of ever-increasing change. For this Science on Tap, Chris McKitterick, director of the Center for the Study of Science Fiction, will lead a discussion about the ways that science fiction provides our new myths and teaches us how to survive and remain sane in a changing age."
But what should you do in the meantime on a hot and dull Monday? Maybe you should sing some karaoke at the Replay. New flyer from Count Blastov. Hit him up to make some sweet flyers for you.

This is great!
Thanks to all who came and participated in the great discussion afterward! Hope you enjoyed it.
Chris McKitterick
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