Readers, you know it's a slow week in LFK when the biggest buzz is about...KU football. But that was the case yesterday as Coach Weiss (after a long tease) unveiled five new helmets via his Twitter account about 4:00 pm. Many fans were pleased that the Jayhawk makes a return appearance on four of the helmets, and especially pleased by the bad-ass 1941 scowling Jayhawk. But surely there's still plenty to bitch about, right? Let's turn to the LJ-World talkbacks and find out.
RockChalkNYC says: "North Carolina blue.. please no."
CouglsLJW retorts: You know, UNC doesn't own that color. It would be like KU Athletics Inc. saying they own the word Kansas. Oh, wait..."
Jayhawkdon says: "Love everyone of them except the black one. Do not want a black jersey either. The kitties use black and I don't want to be tied in any way to them."
The_Poster_KUSports_Needs says: "The red helmet + blue jersey makes us look like Florida."
Go here for the full story via KUsports and a looooong talkback that eventually dips into numerous angry rants against the black KU band uniforms (Hammertoe: "Those uniforms are like putting a pretty dress on an ugly girl.").
Today's buzz is music-related: Cowboy Indian Bear (LFK's Best Band, according to Best of Lawrence) just released a terrific, Micki Hadley-directed video for "I Want a Stranger's Heart." It stars the adorable BARRR-family and it's really pretty to look at but with a slightly eerie Lynchian undertone in which the cute BARRR faces constantly threaten to morph or fade away (surely a statement on the fluidity of identity and, ultimately, the fleeting temporal nature of all human life). All in all: it's far superior to the buzzy David Lynch/Nine Inch Nails video which everyone was talking about last week, which gave Chip seizures.
Watch "I Want a Stranger's Heart" over here .
And here are the BARRRs dancing beneath fireworks, as they so often do.

Speaking of fireworks, the future buzz is all about Fourth of July's ever-popular annual Replay gig coming up this Thursday. It's so hip to play classic albums all the way through these days, and that's just what LFK's favorite "Eskimo Brothers" will be doing as they tackle Fourth of July On the Plains and we all get shitfaced and party like it's 2007 all over again. We don't know about you, but we're going to go fucking BANANAS when they play "She's In Love" (and then probably pass out before the last four songs on the album).
We're also hearing some buzz that this may end up being one of the last Fourth of July shows for a long time. (True?). So make sure you're on hand.
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