Readers, it's the longest day of the year, so squeeze in a little extra day-drinking. But how else should you spend a blazing hot weekend?
When it's close to 100 degrees, it's always a good idea to hang around on some asphalt and stuff your face with tamales and beans. So don't forget the Mexican Fiesta at St. John's on Friday and Saturday, one of LFK's biggest summer events.

Our friends The Leotards are headlining the Friday matinee at the Replay, so apparently they are no longer banned from playing Replay early shows. Make sure to bring the kiddies for this one. Lead screamer Stephanie Stix recently said: "Richard, there's no question that 'Fuck My Tits' is the greatest song The Leotards have ever written." FB event page here. Opening up are local folkies The Silos (which also includes King Tosser), so this evening will be a powerful study in contrasts. There have also been rumors that The Leotards will play a rooftop show during next week's Final Friday near the ELFK Arts District. We can assure you that the Cider Gallery crowd is NOT going to like this. Expect arrests. The Leotards look like this:

Over at the Bottleneck, we hear "there is going to be a really fucking good rap show" on Friday (if you catch our reference to the cool flyers downtown). Reread our past interviews with Show You Suck (here) and Ebony Tusks' Marty Hillard (here) to get prepared.

On Saturday, a group of Evangelicals will be at the Replay (that's probably the first time that phrase has ever been uttered, or at least since the last time the acclaimed Oklahoma band played there). Stereogum said of their 2008 album The Evening Descends:
"This is a great album, a big, sprawling, mess of a trip through the band’s unhinged and unruly musical vocabulary. It’s a strain of pop, no mistake there; but as made by kids from Oklahoma weaned on the Lips and Scooby Doo re-runs, on 8-bit pastimes and ’80s bands." (full review here).
Evangelicals look like this. Is that Jonah Hill on the left?? Man, that's gotta be Jonah Hill, right?

Film Church returns on Sunday at Liberty Hall with a Tarantino double-feature to celebrate the first anniversary of the popular monthly film series. That's right: Jackie Brown and Reservoir Dogs. On the big-screen. What's on the brunch/lunch menu? Maybe EARS of corn? (if you catch our reference to a certain infamous Dogs moment). Yes, some of us elitists have been grumbling because Liberty couldn't score 70mm prints, but let's face it: four+ hours of QT on the big-screen on a hot summer afternoon in LFK is still a pretty sweet deal.
Here's the bad-ass poster for the event (and we think posters will be available for purchase on Sunday?):

It should also be noted that Noah Baumbach's terrific new black-and-white comedy Frances Ha (with the delightful Greta Gerwig) is also playing at Liberty starting tomorrow. Being huge Baumbach geeks, we saw it several weeks ago in KC and loved it so much that we wrote an egghead piece of film criticism about it, which we'd like you to read and then hire us to write film pieces for you because we occasionally get tired of writing boner jokes. Read our Frances Ha article at the PBR Book and Film Club blog over here.
Frances Ha looks like this:
After kickball on Sunday, bounce around at the Replay with some lovely new songs from our pals in Hidden Pictures. The FB event page is here. Make sure and listen to the new Sister Wife EP via Bandcamp here before you go. We don't know about you, but the very mention of the term "sister wife" makes us think of this (oh, Margene!):
Also, allow us to indulge in a moment of nostalgia. We recently unearthed this rare photo of Richard and Chip as children and just had to share it with you.

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