Everyone's favorite underage rock star/blogger/record producer is leaving LFK and moving to Texas, so the only proper send-off is 8 hours of rock and roll at the Jackpot on a Wednesday! There's an early-evening portion and a late-evening portion. And balloons. Enough balloons to make even the most jaded scenesters (almost) crack a smile. Visit the FB event page here and stop by the Jackpot to wish Drew well! But do NOT buy him a PBR or you'll go straight to fucking jail for corrupting a youth!!
A glance at the flyer reveals there's much more to the evening than just those young wizards of Merlin setting off the fire alarms with their smoke machines (remember that Love Garden show?). You've got your well-known local entities like The Sluts and CS Luxem. And there's delightful folk-punk on the bill with Destroy Nate Allen (we've showcased them before) and there's some freaky folk from Wally Tusk and the Film Club (we'd never heard of them prior to today). Go to Bandcamp and listen to Wally Tusk's "I Wanna Punch You in Your Goddamn Stupid Face Part II: Punch Harder" and "Fran Drescher Eat Your Face Off" and "The Kids Are Alright, On Zoloft." It's no Mountain Goats, but since the Goats' Record Bar show is sold out tonight, we guess it'll have to do!
Happy trails, Drew!

Across the river, another worthy event transpires this evening at Frank's as the good folks from Punk Rock Karaoke hit town. Each city's show is a benefit for a local organization, and LFK's will raise money for Lawrence Queer Youth. It starts at 7:00 and there's a $5-10 suggested donation. The FB event page is here. So go and get drunk and shout some Ramones tunes while helping out the kids.

1 comment:
I can't believe Frank's is closing down already!
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