It's gonna be humid in LFK. Where will you beat the heat?
Sensitive scenesters of a certain age will flock to Liberty Hall for the much-ballyhooed third film in Linklater's Before trilogy. Fuck a bunch of Zach Snyder's Superman this weekend. We want to see the thirty-minute marital squabble between Jesse and Celine!
Less sensitive types can embrace the heat and stickiness at the Replay for a thrashing good time tonight with Hammerlord and Troglodyte. It will be less cute than the (hilarious) flyer implies:
And if you're hanging at Frank's tonight, you'll be hearing Monzie Leo and friends, such as the Gentlemen Geeks. We caught 'em at the Replay recently. There's horns involved.

If you're bummed at missing Bonnaroo, LFK's got a little twangy, homegrown music fest at Americana Music Academy on Saturday and Sunday featuring favorites such as Ashes to Immortality. $25 bucks for two days. Compared to Bonnaroo: very reasonable. But still seems too pricey to us PBR-swillers.
A cheaper (in fact, cover-free) way to fill your weekend hippie needs is to join our friends The Silos (AKA "King Tosser and His Sly Hos, Featuring Mick") at Gaslight Gardens in NoLaw for a Saturday patio show along with The Heebie Jeebies, a band who recently played a bunch of Beatles songs for a special evening at Knuckleheads in KC. Maybe they'll play a Paul McCartney tune and, if you're stoned enough, you can close your eyes and pretend you're at Bonnaroo (yep, Sir Paul's at Bonnaroo). There's a FB event page here.
Follow that up with a walk to Frank's to catch the return of "Dark Time," a "live late night talk show" hosted by Jay Maus that was formerly housed at the Granada, if you remember your fairly recent scenester history. With Victor Continental (reportedly) closing shop for good in LFK after his final July shows, maybe "Dark Time" can step in as the reigning king of cock jokes. The FB event page is here.
Another option is the Bottleneck, where Austin's Marmalakes hit the stage.
Dig this Austin Chronicle blurb: "Pop-power trio Marmalakes bashes out its slow, sultry "White Height" in some alt.universe meeting of Ben Kweller's Radish and the Punch Brothers' Chris Thile, while the Sour Notes get brassy on a Fountain of Wayne-like goose bump cruise."
Goose bump cruise?
Also on the bill: Wild Child and Shakey Graves, who have a big piece this weekend (read it here).
And on Sunday, Father John Misty returns to LFK following last year's big and buzzy and super-packed Bottleneck show. Tillman and company are at the Granada this time. Is FJM still hip? Well, we hoped to ask them in person, since they told the Granada they were open to interviews and since the Granada gave our blog a ringing endorsement. But his people at Sub Pop quickly shot us down. Too bad, since the sex and drug-fueled lyrics would have made perfect fodder for Chip's interview questions. Given Tillman's propensity to attack his critics (remember his feud with Pitchfork: read some highlights here ) perhaps it's for the best the interview didn't happen anyway.
See you Sunday! Opening up is Portland's Pure Bathing Culture. Pitchfork raves about their "glassy acoustic guitars, immersive reverb, and incandescent vocals." You had us at "immersive reverb," Pitchfork!
Chip's favorite FJM lyrics:
"Well, you took me to the movies
You took me to the dance
You took me to your warehouse
Tied up in the back of your van
You said, "Whip it out"
And I started to shout
"I'm in love with a woman again"
You left out the last lyric: "and then I was just a mist'n'the rev"
Sexual repression has always been mystifying to me!
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