The "death of Kansas" has been widely debated in progressive circles of late, with perhaps its greatest articulation in a scathingly satirical Hutchinson newspaper opinion piece (read it in full here): "The Great State of Kansas passed away on March 31, 2013, after a long and difficult battle with extremism that became markedly more aggressive in 2010."
Naturally, LFK has to get in on the action, and will do so in classic LFK style as and local progressives host a mock funeral and wake for Kansas on Saturday that begins (where else) on the steps of Plymouth Church at 3:00 followed by a coffin procession to South Park at 4:00. Read the LJ-World piece here and don't miss the talkback afterwards. Here's a sample of the (not-so-progressive) commentary:
EveryMan says: "Pathetic. MoveOn should take their own advice..."
reality_check79 says: "How cute... All 12 of them go to a coffee shop and discuss world peace afterwards??"
Better make that 13! Richard will surely be on hand (while Chip scoffs from behind a tree).
If political theater is not your thing, how about Theatre Lawrence? It's a big weekend for LFK's thespian community with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and public tours on Sunday (1:30-4:30) for their swanky, seven-million dollar new West Lawrence digs. Did anyone host a mock-funeral for their very long run in the ramshackle downtown surroundings?
Read the LJ-World piece on this weekend's event here.
Chip: "It looks like an office building. But I'm totally auditioning for Ragtime this summer."
EMU Theatre is doing stuff damn near every weekend these days. On Sunday they'll host a "Beer Garden Variety Show" at the Replay starting around 4:00, so it's a good excuse to start drinking at the Replay even earlier than usual (normally we start at 6:00). A quick search to EMU and Replay's FB didn't immediately turn up a flyer, but it involves some Foxy By Proxy action, some music, and probably sundry skits and shenanigans.
If you prefer rock and roll theatrics, our friends in Pale Hearts are at the Replay on Friday with Music Band (from Tennessee). We like the pic below because it makes us think of Lynch's film. Perhaps we'll wear our snakeskin jackets to the show! The FB event page is here

Over in KC on Friday, our pal Eric "Mean" Melin will surrender his air guitar crown to new blood at the US Air Guitar qualifiers. Some of our trusty PBR Book Club companions will be on hand and live-tweeting the proceedings no doubt. Stay glued to your phones!
And then there's sports theatre, of course, since kickball is back in high gear. We love the recap over at Sunday(s) In The Park, which delightfully captures the opening-day mayhem and serves up awards for "best facial hair," "shortest shorts," etc. And then there's this:
"Justin Wesley, who will portray Wilt Chamberlain in an upcoming bio pic, “Jayhawkers,” threw out the first pitch. Sorry if you missed it guys, but it happened."
We're definitely sorry we missed it! On the rare occasions when we attend the GOTW, it always ends up being quite dull. Presumably the key is to go EVERY week. And always to be very, very drunk.
But scenester-kickball is not as universally beloved as you might think. Here is a fun story from NY's Lower East Side about a petition to kick "obnoxious" kickballers out of the neighborhood:
"I have lived in the neighborhood when there were gangs running around, heroin, but this is one of the most annoying, obnoxious things."
That sounds like a perfect Onion line, but the story is real!
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