We're still not sure what to make of the new LFK arts and entertainment site called fARTlyfe, but we're glad it's around. Check it out here.
Chip: "My main criticism so far is that I expected more fart humor, possibly with hilarious farting sound effects when I click from story to story."
Our recent favorite recent piece is the site's (strange) account of buzz-band Haim's (strange) behavior at Love Garden last week, which resulted in at least one prominent LFK music writer refusing to cover their Granada show. Here's an excerpt from the fARTlyfe piece, which you can read in full at the link above:
"The story itself isn't that interesting....or accurate? Petty bullshit stemming from scorned lovers. Typical. What l find so intriguing is that people are surprised that this Stevie Nicks cum NdieSynch group is full of vapid adult babies. More than likely trustfund pseudo hippies holding the pose of the day. Who fucking cares?"
It's good to see a little venom in LFK's music coverage on occasion! So head over to fARTlyfe and see what else might catch your eye, such as this collection of GIF's from local GIF-wizard Rob, which features a Brownback bagel GIF that never grows old!
People often forget that we're pretty big rap fans (and that Chip himself once recorded a--highly unsuccessful-- concept album about the "mean streets of Fort Scott"). So we always keep tabs on some of our regional favorites, especially Top City's Stik Figa, whose new album The City Under the City with L'Orange is out today and getting some strong reviews. Check it out via Bandcamp here.
You should also read last week's Pitchweekly piece for a good feel as to why this album is a turning point for Stik Figa's sound:
"The producer [L'Orange] known mostly for his "film-noir production style" (as Figa puts it), stacks Figa's raps against blaring horns and steamy jazz."
And reread our 2012 interview with Stik Figa here in which he and Chip debate rap's misogyny, use of the "N-word," and their shared penchant for "heavier women."
Twitter is better known for its angry rants than its warm and fuzzy side, so it was a breath of fresh air for us when we recently discovered the Jayhawk Buddy System account (@KUJBS ) which we first thought was surely a parody but decided was actually real. It employs a lot of humor (some intentional, some perhaps not) through constant motivational advice to the student body. A few recent favorites:
"The term "Fall Break" can be a proper noun or two verbs. Keep "Fall Break" a proper noun! Be smart. Buddy up. Stay safe wherever you are."
"Still dark. If you are in a strange town you may need to google to find the location of the KU bar. It could be far away. Plan accordingly."
"Great weekend with relatively few breakdowns in the Buddy System. Get alot done this week. Go into fall break with a sense of accomplishment."
Give them a follow and you're sure to find yourselves inspired.

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