Finally, an art event that even Chip can get excited about! Wonder Fair's Final Friday offering is called "The Undressing Room" which involves a performance piece from a KU artist that "may contain moderate nudity and/or free Popsicles."
The description of her previous work certainly sounds intriguing:
"...the artist stood with bare legs emerging from beneath a lumpy, ponderous potato sack of lycra stretched to the ceiling. Fixed in place, the artist spent two hours "inviting" viewers to approach and reach their arms into a series of tunnels neatly stitched into the costume's exterior, withdrawing to find the artist had placed in their hand a small, hand-stitched gift: a reward for the wantonness and bravery of their interaction."
That sounds like some Maria Abramovic-type shit right there! We're as terrified as we are aroused just thinking about what might happen on Friday.
Visit the FB event page here.

Also, have you made your reservations yet for Wonder Fair's Halloween Night Dead End Diner Dinner, featuring a "four-curse meal" (get it!!) and three specialty-paired cocktails and entertainment and more? It costs $40 bucks but it's surely weird enough that you'll remember it forever. There may be a couple of spots left. Details here.
We stopped by the Dead End Diner during last month's Final Friday for a "casket of fries" and some "Red Rum Raisin Ice Cream."
Across the way, the Percolator gang is getting ready for their annual Dia de los Muertos processsion (Nov. 2) with a Final Fridays event this week in which you can decorate an altar. Facebook event page here.

Then make your way to ELFK for Ben Ahlvers' show at Invisible Hand (details here) followed by some rock and roll at SeedCo with Sobriquet, Paper Buffalo, and Dead Monkey and the Dropouts (details here).
So there you go. Now you've got yourself a pretty nice little Final Friday planned. (That last sentence was written by Chip as a strange reference to Will Ferrell's "pretty nice little Saturday" speech in Old School).

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