Our friends over at I Heart Local Music have been hard at work on a cool new project that allows us to see many of our favorite local musicians in their bathing suits (Chip: "It's the next funniest thing to seeing them in their birthday suits!").
The calendar is on sale now at Love Garden and proceeds go to the non-profit organization Midwest Music Foundation. Check out the full story (with two great pics) which went up today over at I Heart Local Music.
Here's one of those pics. Look: it's our old pals in Fourth of July! Can you spot the boner in this photo?
We all know Josh Berwanger, and we all love saying the name Berwanger, and the release of Berwangers's new album Strange Stains will provide us a lot of opportunities. It's out today on Itunes or (even better) on vinyl and CD through Good Land Records.
Berwanger has been scoring some sweet buzz (even from Rolling Stone), but we think Nick Spacek's Rock Star Journalist review sums it up best (referring to the track "Baby Loses Her Mind"): "It's fucking magic." Somebody should put that on a stick and slap it on the cover of the vinyl!
You should also check out our friend Matt Gilligan's Orphan Radio record release podcast with Mr. Josh Berwanger his own self.
Great album cover too!

For the first time in a very long time, the KU Homecoming Parade will march down Mass. Street instead of Jayhawk Boulevard this Thursday. AND...it's on the same night as the Lawrence Zombie Walk (we've heard they'll be choosing a Zombie Homecoming King and Queen for this special event). Sadly, the two parades won't overlap (Homecoming Parade at 6:00; Zombie Walk at 7:00). But their respective crowds certainly will. It's going to be a really delightful clusterfuck for those of us who enjoy doing some people-watching.
Here's a straight-up CLASSIC photo of last year's event via an LJ-World photo gallery.
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