Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yes, it's time for another episode of..."Is it art, or isn't it?"

Tonight, somewhere outside of Lawrence, The Fresh Produce Art Collective plans to celebrate the summer solstice with an event that Kip has called "frightening and disgusting." Here's the scoop from

"Eyes Wide Shut" meets "Lord of the Flies" meets the Fresh Produce Art Collective at this bizarro Summer Solstice event in rural Lawrence. Artists and creative types are invited to create masks to wear while dancing around a giant fire. Last year approximately 200 people came out to see the fire, drum circles, fire dancers and music. Camping, coolers and grilling are encouraged, but don't get all nekkid and lewd like you did at Burning Man last year.

Kip says: "Up until 1972, Fort Scott would have burned these folks at the stake as witches. This is obviously not art. This, my friends, is insanity."

Richard says: "Shit, I hope I can get a mask made in the next four hours. This is art."

Z-Man says: "This is art. But more importantly it seems like a place to find some good 'shrooms!"

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