Readers, we're back in LFK after our southern holiday adventures and, based on what we've read in the LJ-World, you all had a good time on New Year's Eve with plenty of fights and even some gunshots at the Magic Lounge, a place that we didn't know existed but is apparently home to the "Midwest Famous Duckbutter," whatever that means (Chip: "I'll be finding out, and soon.").
It's sort of a slow time of year in Lawrence, so we'll be posting sporadically for now with occasional scenester picks until we get back in the groove (or until more of you contact us for interviews: hit us up at if you're interested in talking about music and boners).
In the meantime, you'll want to visit Love Garden on Friday and say farewell to JabberJosh for awhile, since half of the duo is headed to NYC. It's all-ages and free. Prediction: hilarious hijinks and possible costumes. Check out the FB event page here .
As many of you know, 2012 was the year the LC inadvertently became a halfway legitimate source of actual information (in addition to boner jokes), thanks mostly to our series of band interviews. And this means that a lot of bands reach out to us that we might otherwise overlook. Our favorite (and most bizarre) discovery of the New Year so far is, hands-down, Arkansas' Flameing Daeth Fearies. Yes, that's how it's spelled, making them damnably difficult to find on Facebook and such (but you can find them on FB right here and visit their official website here ). We felt a kinship with these "Fearies" as soon as we read their bio material:
"Shows are a high-octane low-brow full-on experience: embracing blue comedy and obscure internet humor."
You had us at "low-brow."
And then we asked the band to send us a little blurb telling our readers why they MUST see them at the Bottleneck this Saturday, Jan. 5. Here's what we received:
"Flameing Daeth Fearies are coming to bedazzle The Bottleneck on Jan 5th with their brand of rocking punk. Expect songs about waffles, extending periods of highness, 3rd genders, bronies, furries, and robotic sex toys! "
Bronies AND Furries? We're fucking sold!
In order to prepare, we insist that you go to their Soundcloud page here and play "Can I Get a Brohoof?" at least eleven times. It begins with the wonderful declaration that "It's motherfucking pony-time, dawg!"
Need more? Here's an Arkansas Times review of a recent Fearies gig which contains an LFK-reference to the Get Up Kids (another sign that this show is meant to be!):
"[Flameing Daeth Fearies] sound like early Blink 182 or maybe a gag-laden version of the Get-up Kids. They look like a cross between a Japanese cartoon and a Brittney Spears video, and they go out of their way to stage a production. Last night’s set included lit-up props, dancers in fuzzy costumes (furrydom, anyone?), amp-hopping and rock-star posturing"
Sounds a bit like a Flaming Lips show without the hefty price tag! Also on the bill is Lawrence's R-Type Final, whose bio says they "beautifully meld club and dance grooves, with elements of fur-core and chip-tunes.. The music is created live using a Playstation Portable and a Nintendo DSI. Set sometimes feature a dancing cardboard robot grooving to the beat. "
Fur-core? We've got a strange feeling that a Furry is going to hook up with a Brony at this show! Check R-Type Final out on Soundcloud here
So there you go: all that and a dancing cardboard robot. Typical Saturday night in LFK. See you at the show.

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