Chip was recently chatting with his old pal and fellow Fort Scottian Quinton Cheney from Panda Circus about their favorite meals at Sharkey's Pub and Grub when he happened to learn that Quinton and two of his fellow Pandas, Ben and Travis, have a new band called Something and the Whatevers.
"What's the sound?" Chip inquired.
"Well," Quinton replied. "We've replaced our drums, cello, horns, etc.with backing tracks in a maneuver I'm calling a reverse-They-Might-Be-Giants, and we make music that's loud, fast and fun a la Bomb the Music Industry! and Future of the Left."
Chip: "I think Sharky's Chicken Fried Chicken is one of the seven best Chicken Fried Chickens I've ever had."
Readers, you've got two upcoming opportunities to sample the "cyborg rock" (as their FB page terms it) of Something and the Whatevers. They're at the Jackpot this Saturday, February 2, along with R-type Final, the ever-present Y(our) Fri(end), and fellow robot-lovers Theo's Mystic Robot Orchestra. And they'll return to the Jackpot again on Friday the 15th with Electric Needle Room, Tiger Waves, and Har-di-Har. Time permitting, we'll be doing a full interview prior to that second gig, in which Chip and Quinton compare their Fort Scott coming-of-age stories. Expect a few teardrops. And a few boners.
Here's the flyer for Friday's show (and visit the FB event page here for a lot of info on the other bands):
![ROBOT ROCK REVIVAL! Something and the Whatevers DEBUT PERFORMANCE!!!!!1!1!!1!!ONE1! - also featuring Y[our] Fri[end], Theo's Mystic Robot Orchestra and R Type Final](
And here's a recent shot from the Sharky's Pub and Grub photo gallery on Facebook:

Readers, this is a late Final Friday recap but we think you'll forgive us since it contains plenty of boobs and basketball.
Our stops were limited during last week's Final Friday, but we saw some sights nonetheless.
Leo Hayden has learned a lesson that many LFK artists would do well to heed if they want to sell some art: paint things that people like. Namely, boobs and basketball.
Here's a shot of Leo's exhibition at the Lawrence Art Party in Hobbs-Taylor Lofts featuring portraits of the Foxy By Proxy gals and Ben McLemore.

And here's a shot from just a few minutes later after someone, presumably Chip, purchased the boobs.

Over at the Percolator's Make Love exhibit, a love-in was poised to begin, and it was damn near impossible to actually get to the art on the walls. We left before the orgy started.

And here's an odd shot from the Lawrence Arts Center. Chip kept reading that sign in the back as "Lush Pussy" and getting a boner.

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