Monday, January 13, 2014

Nerd Nite 23 Preview: New Year, New Nerds / LFK: America's 7th Drunkest City!

First off, a reminder that LFK's first-ever Riptide Comedy Festival kicks off tonight.  We showcased it last week: check that post out here.  The post got a lot of hits and shares, so hopefully that means people will show up and check it out.  Today's event is at the Taproom.


Nerd Nite is back on Wednesday after a December hiatus with a whole crew of new "co-bosses" running the show.  We're confident they'll be a solid group of nerds, though (it must be said) we're certainly missing Becky on the FB event page, which contains only a logo and lacks the bad-ass flyers we looked forward to each time. Step it up, nerds!

There are presentations on video games and dieting myths.  And one called:  “From Heisenberg to Parker Brothers: Cracking the Soma Treasure Map." 

Our friends at Larryville Artists recently posted a little blurb from new co-boss Chad O'Bryhim with his vision for the new year. Read it over here.



LFK was recently designated the 7th drunkest city in America by this poll, which also reveals that Brookings, SD (#5) easily outdrinks us. We can't let that go unchallenged.

Is being the 7th drunkest city in any way connected with being the 9th smartest city (as another recent poll declared us)?  Or is it more likely connected to LFK being the nation's "2nd worst performing small metro area?"

Hard to say.  Let's discuss it at the bar this morning over powerful cocktails at The Roost.

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