Just because you're not at Pitchfork Fest this weekend doesn't mean you can't catch a Pitchfork-approved band right here in LFK. Swing by the Granada tonight to check out Liars. Lawrence's Major Games are also on the bill, ready to melt your face clean off, Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-style!
Liars annoyingly titled new album WIXIW (meant to be pronounced "with you") receives a very respectable 7.8 from Pitchfork:
"Its opening track, "The Exact Colour of Doubt", features Tangerine Dream-like synths giving way to soft pitter-patter percussion and a guitar line that shimmers with just the right amount of reverb. It's lovely, ethereal, and not remotely indicative of what follows."
Richard: "Well, shit, if their sound WAS remotely indicative of this, I'd totally be into it."
So what does the album really sound like?
"It's so clearly the result of a rock band attempting to create electronic music that comparisons to Radiohead circa Kid A and Amnesiac are somewhat unavoidable."
Chip: "I have a strong feeling that I'm not going to "get" this show."
Read the full review at Pitchfork here and, if you can't resist (and we know you can't), go here to look at Liars' controversial EP cover for "It Fit When I Was a Kid," in which the band superimposes their own faces on gay pornography.
But here's a less controversial image (borrowed from Le Fox ) of the band posing in front of some cuddly dogs and kitties:

Our buddies at the Percolator are hosting their annual "Dime Bag Show" tonight featuring pieces made from items assembled from Social Service League stuff. No, the show has nothing to do with scoring marijuana. You'll have to go to Gran-Daddys BBQ for that! (Chip: "Zing! LFK inside joke of the day!").
And on Tuesday, July 17 at 7:30 the Percolator is offering up a "theatrical song-cycle" by Lee Domann (accompanied by a flautist). It's free, though donations are requested. Here's the press blurb and get the full scoop at the Percolator site :
" 'Down to Monterey' is a personal and social history of the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco in 1966-67. It is partly autobiographical and draws upon Lee Domann’s own experience of hitchhiking with a hometown friend to Haight-Ashbury, after dropping out of the University of Kansas for a semester. “But it’s also mythical,” he says. “My aim is to resurrect and re-awaken the memories, feelings, and commitment of those of us who were part of that era. It’s an appeal and invitation to those of us who remain, to reclaim our identity and to pass along what we learned.”
Chip: "Somehow I suspect that this song-cycle will be performed in the nude, in keeping with the hippie aesthetic of the time."
Readers, we kicked off our weekend last night at the unusual location of Fatso's to witness the Leotards, who will truly play anywhere so long as there's beer. They'll even play in your bedroom, while you screw. In fact, that's a dream gig of theirs, so long as it doesn't go on for more than 25 minutes, which is the length of a Leotards set (Chip: "That shouldn't be a problem.").
With the addition of keyboardist Jason Jones (New Franklin Panthers), LFK's Leotards have added a new layer of complexity to their already-dense ruminations on fucking ("Sugar Dick," "Kate Winslet," "Is That Your...?" etc). Check out this photo from last night, a set so impressive that it scored them another Replay gig in the near future. They even played a powerful rendition of the "Larryville Chronicles Theme Song," which is now outdated since many of the venues chanted in the song aren't hip anymore (Jackpot). We are pleased that the Leotards' "porn-punk" stylings are finally catching on.
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