Dirty Projectors set the blogosphere abuzz with 2009's Bitte Orca, though they only managed to fill the Granada halfway when they stopped in LFK.
They're back in town this week with another stop at the Granada and an equally buzzy new album: Swing Lo Magellan. Let's see if Pitchfork still thinks they're worthy:
"There's gusto and playfulness here, too, from the way Longstreth clears his very-warped throat before launching into the first verse of opener "Offspring Are Blank" to the brilliant decision to record Coffman and Dekle mocking some of Longstreth's most impenetrable lyrics toward the end of the irrepressible 'Unto Caesar.' " (Verdict: 8.8--full review here ).
Richard: "Surely this doesn't mean that Longstreth is less pompous these days? I'm going to check in on one his interviews to find out."
Here's an excerpt from a recent NY-Time interview with Longstreth:
"This album is about this evil new jack vibe. It’s about beats; a lot of it is about beats. I’m from the East Coast; I think about things dialectically sometimes — in other words, antagonistically. The rhythms that I think of are polyrhythmic, bouncy, loping. The way that I want to approach that is to get like a flat-footed Connecticut hard-core drummer to play these bouncy, loping polyrhythms. But this album is less about this antagonistic resolution and just about being what it is. They’re grooves."
Richard: "Oh, Longstreth, you had me at 'I'm from the East Coast, I think about things dialectically sometimes."
Chip: "He may be onto something. I'm from Southeast Kansas, and I never think about things dialectically."
Catch the "evil new jack vibe" of the Projectors tomorrow (Wed. July 18) at the Granada along with the always-intriguing Wye Oak. And click here to check out their remarkable (Chip: "Weird.") harmonies at work in this much-discussed backstage acoustic performance on Jimmy Fallon.
And here's the cover for Swing Lo Magellan, which probably means...something:

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