Our charming Joplin friends in Me Like Bees return to LFK this weekend (Friday March 29) for a show at the Jackpot. Re-read our 2012 interview here and give them a "like" on FB over here. Their last Lawrence show was on KU's Stop Day, a night notorious for its debauchery. This gig is on... Good Friday, not generally known for revelry. But it's also the date of KU's Sweet Sixteen match-up with Michigan. So there might be dancing in the streets around the time of the gig. At any rate, whatever happens, please swarm the Jackpot (if you catch our bee reference!) and make this a memorable evening for these good folks.
We asked Tim from Me Like Bees to send us a blurb for the show and here's his response:
"Dear Reader of the Larryville Chronicles,
This might be the best show you've ever seen, or worst. It all depends on the outcomes of the NCAA March Madness tournament. "
The flyer is pretty cool:

We were faithful attendees of Horror Remix for many months, but we've slacked off lately. Hopefully you haven't made the same mistake, since this month's rock and roll edition (Death Rock, Part One) is looking pretty awesome. It's Tuesday, March 26, at the Bottleneck, and contains two condensed horror films about heavy metal followed up with a bunch of "rock shorts from the likes of Hell’s Bells, Heavy Metal Parking Lot and Hard Rock Zombies."
Visit the Horror Remix website here .
Wednesday brings Liberty Hall's screening of This is Spinal Tap, to be followed by karaoke ( continuing the fine tradition of previous screenings of Stop Making Sense and Purple Rain).
Chip's practicing his rendition of "Big Bottom" already:
"My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo."
Chip: "Pure poetry!"

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