According to a recent TIME magazine piece, 10% of people believe that the world will end in a Mayan apocalypse this Friday. And we suspect the numbers are even higher in East Lawrence.
So how you should you mark the occasion?
The Replay's matinee is billed as a special "End Of The World Show" featuring The Ants and The Recessionists. The Recessionists will help you dance your way into the endtimes, and we suspect The Ants will offer up some special treats (surely an R.E.M cover is in the works, if you catch our reference). The last time we saw the Ants was on the tenth-anniversary of 9/11, where their cover of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" blew us away. Read our report here .
Also, it wouldn't be a winter solstice/apocalypse party without a good old-fashioned LFK drum circle, so leave it to our friends at the Percolator to fill those needs. The FB event page here has some rather mysterious description of the night's proceedings:
"So come to the Perco, bring a drum, celebrate... lighten’ your load, artfully repack your bags, and get on board ...Timeship Earth 2013."
Chip: "If there's Kool-Aid being served at this event, do NOT drink it, folks."
And head across the river at 10:00 for Frank's North Star's basement blowout (billed as "The End of the World @Frank's"). The FB event page says: "If the 2012 end of the world is really to be the biggest event in 26,000 years, we need to all be hammered in the basement at Frank's rocking out to LongShadows! We're doomed! Lets rage! $4 cover."
On one hand, we can't believe the nerve of those folks at Frank's, charging a $4 cover just before the whole shithouse goes up in flames (as Jim Morrison would put it). Then again, it's always smart to hedge your bets.
As best as we can tell, none of the folks involved in these events have bothered to make cool flyers because, well, why bother, really? So here's a shot from one of the best recent end-of-the-world films, Von Trier's Melancholia. Let's hope the real end of days is at least half as pretty as this!

But what's our all-time favorite end of the world flick? It's one you may well have overlooked: Don McKellar's terrifically funny and sad 1999 gem Last Night, which can be a bit hard to find. If Netflix were smarter, they'd be streaming it this week. As it is, they list it under "Save," which usually means you can NEVER see the fucking thing. However, last time we checked, Miracle Video had a copy. Maybe Liberty too? Go and find it. Before Friday. It looks like this:
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