"... many, many others talk about the beards that men all across Kansas grew to celebrate the state’s 100th birthday...An article in the Lawrence Journal-World proclaimed April 30 as the “last legal day” that men over 21 could shave in Kansas. Those who preferred not to grow whiskers had to purchase a $2 shaving permit button that was to be worn at all times in public. In June, 82 men competed in a contest at the Hotel Eldridge for longest, prettiest, most unique, ugliest, thickest and most colorful beards."
What a missed opportunity for this weekend. At the very least, we should have had a scenester mustache competition. Oh well. Enjoy your Kansas Day, readers, and we'll see you at Free State tomorrow. In the meantime, gaze upon these ancient scenesters and their mighty beards! Ralph Hoffman (top right) took home a well-deserved "prettiest" beard award. (thanks to the LJ-World for the photo, and to an LC reader for the tip on the photo).
Did you see the photo gallery? Between the downtown hobos and the scenesters at the Replay I think we can still give these six guys a run for their money.
Thanks. We missed the photo. It seems like a well-judged contest: Ralph Hoffman's is definitely the "prettiest!"
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