Readers, if you're anything like us, you are pacing the fucking floor all day waiting for the Breaking Bad finale. What kind of sick mischief will Todd dish out? Will Jesse survive? Will the legend of Heisenberg live on throughout eternity?
No matter what, when it's over, you're going to be all jazzed up and need to blow off some steam.
So hit the Taproom for a bizarre evening with Thollem Electric's Keyngdrum Overdrive. Thollem is an internationally-known piano wizard who is currently traveling around the country playing with an array of drummers. And his drummer in LFK is none other than our pal Craig Comstock (of This Is My Condition). Check out Thollem's site here and read Thollem's impressive bio and listen to some tunes, such as "Grunt Sculpin."
Signal to Noise calls the sound a "A supercollider centrifuge...bespattered with beautiful madness.” Which actually sounds sort of like Breaking Bad, if you think about it.
There's a FB event page here. Five people are going, at least. Will you join them?

Armed with a ukulele, her trusty fiddle, a foul-mouth, a southern accent, and a bad-ass stand-up bassist, Amanda Shires stopped by the Bottleneck in support of her Down Fell the Doves album to play us some lovely, lilting folk and country tunes last night, along with a Leonard Cohen cover ("I'm Your Man") and a little snippet of Sir Mix A Lot ("Shake that healthy butt."). There was also a story about a guy named Tiger Bill giving her an actual Siberian tiger claw after a show and an anecdote about meeting Conan O'Brien when she and hubby Jason Isbell performed on his show recently (watch the performance below via Youtube). It's safe to say everyone fell a little in love, but especially all the dudes making catcalls (was Chip amongst them? Almost certainly yes). "Sounds like a buncha cats in here," Shires quipped.
After the show, we even chatted briefly with Shires about the greatness of Todd Snider (she's all over his recent Agnostic Hymns and Stoner Fables album) as well as our old stomping grounds in Arkansas ("I joke about Arkansas, but lovingly," she assured us).
Oh, and Ha Ha Tonka played too. The Ozark boys were not bad! They seem to be attempting a Wilco-ish shift away from their rustic roots these days on the new Bloodshot album Lessons (though they lack Wilco's lyrical/musical mastery) but the harmonies are intact and the sound is rocking and the crowds are eating it up. We didn't ride it out to the end. Do they still cover Big Smith's "12-Inch 3 Speed Oscillating Fan" these days?

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