Readers, it's the second year for Lawrence Field Day Fest, LFK's biggest and best homegrown music festival (sorry, Spring Into Summer Fest). Remember to get your tickets soon and score the 3-day pass for only $16 bucks. Take that, KANROCKSAS! Read a nice spread by our friend Peter over here and you can find the full schedule at the FB page here, but we wanted to give you a personal touch, so we asked a few of our favorite bands on the bill to pimp their LFDF gigs or describe their sound for us.
Here are three bands pimping their sets:
Black on Black (Thurs, 10:20-10:50)
"Please come see Black on Black at LFDF on Thursday night around 10:15 or not.
The truth is you need more rock music in your life...and in your pants.
Our t-shirts are cheap.
Our records are cheap.
Our stickers are free.
Our music is decent.
We are a lot nicer than we look (buy us booze)
Also we sucked last year so we have to redeem ourselves.
Also we're going to play (screw up) a new song that will be on the new NEW E.P.
Also I'm writing this at 2:30 a.m.
Also I'm drunk and it's a Tuesday night so Thursday is like whatever.
Also fuck you very much."
BaioWolf (Thursday, 11:40-end)
"Sometimes an astronomical event involving pizza and Taco Bell collides with a magical elven spell, creating a rift in the infinite weave in space and time; and from that dark abyss sprang a shitty dude-duo known as BAIOWOLF. History has proven that Baiowolf has a long-lasting half life. Shows are few and far between these days; with new and old songs sprucing up like a vine that tangles throats infinitely. Come and witness the debauchery, dwarven-made Hawaiian shirts, and the power of prayer. Also free tarot card readings from Rob and Sean (please provide your own tarot cards.)
Pale Hearts (Sat, 9:40-10:`10)
"It's too bad you've been too cool to see Pale Hearts, because they are clearly your next favorite band. Maybe you need better taste in friends. Stop being a fucking snob and come taste the rainbow."
And here are two bands pitching their sound. Free PBR for first to spot the smoothly embedded Lebowski reference down below.
Schwervon (Fri, 10:55-11:25)
Recent NYC to KC transplants Schwervon are an indie rock couple that express their imperfect love thought jagged rock minimalism and the occasional grunge infused tap dance routine.
Many Moods of Dad (Fri, 9:35-10:05)
"Proudly calling themselves “power prog” (IHLM’s Nathan Cardiff also used the term “psychotic pop”), Many Moods of Dad is an intense experiment in epicness from 4 long-time Lawrencians. Though it could be considered a “supergroup” as it features members of local stalwarts The Dead Girls, Stiff Middle Fingers and Doubleplus, MMOD is something altogether different. While some songs stand on their own at under 2:30, others run together into 15 minute epic suites, with sweeps of crunching guitar noise and catchy melodies to tie the room together. Their debut album, The Consequence of Trying, is available now via Bandcamp as a name-your-price download. They’ll be playing Lawrence Field Day Fest Friday, July 12 at 9:30pm."

It's the dead of summer and it's too hot to concentrate for long periods of time, even for nerds. So the nerds of Nerd Nite are getting experimental on you. None of that 20-minute stuff for tonight's installment. "Summer Shorts" will consist of fifteen two-minute presentations. Yep. Find the full list at the FB event page here.
Following are a few of our most-anticipated presentations (because we're friends with all five of these nerds and/or because their titles are funny) :
"Punk Side Story: Why A Bunch of Drunks Covering Showtunes Is Fucking Wonderful" by Nick Spacek
"Two Minutes, on a Honeymoon, signifying nothing." - Jon Kaleugher
"Alexander the Great the worlds best psychopath and the worlds first corporate asshole." - Allison Puderbaugh
"Graphic Design on Six Hits of Acid: The Bizarre World of Czech and Polish Film Posters" by Abby Olcese
"Drawing A Human Head 101" - Karen Matheis
Wear your shortest shorts, nerds.

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