The event is already sold out, but hopefully you've already ponied up 30 bucks to sample the wares from Kansas brewers such as LB Brewing from Hays and the High Noon Saloon from Leavenworth.
Chip: "I'm just going to stick with Free State because I know I like it."
Larryville's resident British scholar King Tosser is already hyped about London-based Chapter 24's gig at the Replay on Friday.
And look what the website A New Band a Day says of their song "Love" (you can also stream the song at the site ):
"As the song finishes, you’ll be bewildered by the journey you’ve just taken. Rockabilly, art-rock, jangle-pop, twee-tinkling, noisecore, neo-world music, Donk (OK, not Donk): it’s all there in one guise or another."
Richard was sold at "twee-tinkling," and Chip is really into Donk (and hates being teased like that).
We also like their tour poster, which features a cute dog, some pizza, and various severed body parts.
We spent an hour drinking Sidecars with public-art scholar/speaker The Urbanologist at 715 last week, and now he's chronicled his adventures in a very special "Rock Chalk Edition" of his "37 hours" series of posts. Spoiler alert: he had a fucking blast in Larryville! Read about the full 37 hours right here .
An excerpt:
"Prepare thyself for some fine meat products and wonderful spirits at 715 Mass, conveniently located a smoked trout crostini throw away from The Eldridge Hotel... Other worthy libations here include a maple old fashioned and a divine Oh Lazio (campari, Old Overholt rye, and rosemary)."
We'll be very disappointed if 715 doesn't sponsor an actual "smoked trout crostini" throwing competition very soon.