Readers, today is one of those dream-come-true interviews at the Larryville Chronicles: we're talking T & A with the ladies of LFK's Foxy by Proxy burlesque troupe, who have a huge "Halloween Extravaganza" lined up at the Granada this evening. Doors are at 8:00 and the evening climaxes (!) with a Black Sabbath tribute from Beached Sabbath at "the stroke of midnight."
Make sure to "like" Foxy by Proxy on FB over here . And they recently joined Twitter as well. Follow them @foxy_by_proxy , though we understand that they've been overwhelmed by horny LFK dudes tweeting "Weiner-pics" at them.
Enjoy this short chat with Bunny Baltimore, Scarlot Harlot, Shagra Khan, and The Right Reverend Spunk Rogers (our favorite of the Foxy monikers!).
Chip: I love the recent burlesque resurgence because it gives me a good excuse to have a boner at the bar without feeling weird about it. Aside from the boobs, though, what do you think is the appeal of burlesque these days?
Bunny Baltimore: The appeal of burlesque is it brings out the exhibitionist and voyeur in us all. Watching women do what they want, wear what they want, and shamelessly dance near naked on stage makes us all feel free and want to be involved [Chip nods vigorously].
For performers it is appealing because it gives us confidence and power. A lot of us felt like the weird one or the slutty one and we were supposed to feel bad for it. Now we all feel we can be who we are, no apologies, and look at my ass right now because you want to!
[Everyone pauses to look at Bunny's ass].
Richard: What sets Foxy by Proxy apart from all the other burlesque acts out there these days?
Scarlot Harlot: What really sets us apart is our infrastructure. We have an awesome proscenium and curtain, tons of badass sets, and mad props that we bring to every show. It looks pretty delicious.
Chip: Surely Foxy by Proxy has tons of titillating tales to tell our readers (with an emphasis on the 'tit,' if you catch my meaning!). Tell us about an especially memorable performance.
Shagra Kahn: Yeah, we could tell you stories about tits for days. As far as a memorable moment, i'd have to say the intro for the last Halloween show when all the Foxies came out of the same coffin, clown-car style.. sexy clown-car, of course. That's a thing, right?
The show tonight is definitely going to have our next big memorable moment. This will be our most theatrical show to date.
Chip: Leave us with a sexy blurb to convince our readers that they absolutely MUST attend this Halloween extravaganza.
The Right Reverend Spunk Rogers: Its better to regret someone you have done than regret someone you haven't done.
Photos and videos!
A recent pic of the troupe via Atomic Photography
Top: Honey Caprice
2nd Row: Bel Ruby, Rexy Bodean, Laurie Darlin', Willie Wanker, Putressa la Pew, the Right Reverend Spunk Rogers, Shagra Kahn, Jolly Roger
3rd Row: Frenchy Fondelle, ChiChi Rodriguez, Bunny Baltimore
4th Row: Nessie Notoria, Miss Roach VonHoeBag, Scarlot Harlot.

Scarlet Harlot's take on Little Mermaid (you probably don't want your kids to sing this!)
Flyer for tonight!

Red Delicious is in the photo too - middle of the pack. :)
I'm myopic as fuck, but what's in a name?
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