We always get excited when The Devil makes an appearance on the scene. Catch her at the Replay tonight with The Sluts (who seem to have taken over for Mouthbreathers as the band that plays at least one show per week) and Going to Hell in a Leather Jacket.
Here's The Devil on New Year's Eve (a photo we like to use whenever the opportunity arises):

Larryville Artists is touting a late-announcement on the Final Fridays art scene: an opening at Love Garden featuring tunes from CS Luxem and ceramic art involving LP's and kitties. According to the FB event page, Luxem will be "singing your favorite Eddie Kendricks and David Ruffin songs." Certainly you'll need to witness this. Read the recent Heart Local Music piece on Luxem here . You can also pick up some free screen-printed tape inserts for your summer mix CD's at the opening.
And don't forget to check out our buddies in Simone du Garfunk at the Bottleneck. (Re)read our interview here . And look at this badass photo from (we're guessing) Winfield.

Readers, if you're like us you are spending the weekend bitching that you can't see Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom in KC for at least another month and that the best Hollywood can offer up on a summer holiday weekend at the multiplex is a third Men in Black sequel, ten years after the last shitty sequel.
So we're contenting ourselves with reading reviews out of Cannes this week, such as the AV-Club's take on the long awaited new film from Leos Carax called Holy Motors. We dare you to read these excerpts and not want to see this thing ASAP:
"a sequence involving motion-capture sex, while visually spectacular in its own right, gets pointedly contrasted with 19th-century cinematograph footage depicting athletic movements..."
" musical number sung by Kylie Minogue."
"Eva Mendes as an model in a burqa singing a lullaby to a naked dude sporting a full-on boner ((after he munches on her hair).
Here's a terrifying image from the film:

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