Readers, our interview with Boise, Idaho's Bone Dance was easily our most terrifying so far, but it turns out the guys were actually quite nice, and did not stab us even once during the interview. They'll be bringing their mayhem to the Bottleneck next Monday, June 25, along with KC's Canyons, so bone up (get it??) by enjoying our chat with Bryce about rock and roll violence, fickle music fans, and the assholes over at Pitchfork. Check out their official website here for all the links you need into the world of Bone Dance, and we encourage you to read the terrific description of their sound over here (below is a short excerpt from that bio):
"By deconstructing typical sludge breakdowns, by retooling blast beats into searing grooves, by inverting a biblical poetic into a sinister manifest of their body politic, Bone Dance forges a musical dialogue exemplifying the clash typical of the liberal/conservative head-butting seen throughout misleading media; however, the band seems to reject even mainstream leftist views in favor of an utter desert-driven nihilism."
To paraphrase a famous Lebowski quote: "No, Chip, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of."
Your Facebook page biography promises that you will “fuck up any room
we can fit our equipment in” and your band interests are listed as
“stabbing and burying.” What are the chances I’ll survive your
Bottleneck show if I dare to attend?
Bryce: If
you're like any other person who is "passionate" about music, you'll
stand at the back of the room with your arms folded and avoid eye
contact. So you're probably safe. Then you can go tweet about how shit
didn't live up to your expectations, and you had hoped there was more
crowd participation.
Where did the name Bone Dance come from and do your fans actually
perform “bone dances” during the sets? Or do they just push and shove
each other?
Bryce: Fucking IS pushing and shoving, is it not?
Your song titles terrify me, with names like “Birds Singing (Wolves
Licking Blood)” and “Your Kind Eat the Young.” Tell us about your
songwriting process and your musical influences.
Bryce: The
songwriting process, like most other bands, starts with a few basic
ideas and riffs, and then after a long, torturous process of
rearrangement, arguing, and nightmarish levels of introspection and
reflection, we end up with a finished song. I think a lot of the
frustration of trying to craft the absolute best song you possibly can
comes through and is reflected in our music.
Those snarky bastards over at Pitchfork recently trashed the Boise
music scene after seeing a Boise showcase at SXSW, leveling this verdict: "based
on the couple of Boise bar bands I heard leading up to Youth Lagoon's
set, it's probably not set to be the Next anything anytime soon.” But can you
give us the real insider scoop on Boise music?
Bryce: If I recall correctly, Built to Spill was the headliner, not
Youth Lagoon. So I guess that goes to show that journalists are lazy and
don't really do their research. I could really give a fuck about what
"tastemakers" think about the music scene in a city they've never been
to. Boise is home for several influential bands like Built to Spill,
Caustic Resin, Septic Death, etc. Of course there's going to be
mediocrity, but you're going to find that all over the fucking world.
Few bands find themselves aligned with the perfect storm of a creative
original sound, and the drive to go somewhere with it. I think there are
plenty of good bands in Boise, but I also don't find myself paying
attention to the bands that played that aforementioned showcase, so I
couldn't really weigh in on the music scene that Pitchfork concerns
itself with.
I’m guessing you guys have seen all manner of crazy shit at your
shows. Can you share with us a particularly wild tale of rock and roll
Bryce: I
got my tooth punched through my cheek in Texas. The rest of the band
fought the audience, and we were, essentially, run out of the city of
Dallas. We've seen black eyes, broken noses, etc from playing live. Shit
happens. We play aggressive music, so I guess it's pretty fair to
expect aggressive actions and reactions. We haven't shoved a fish up
anybody yet, so if that's the kind of "rock n' roll debauchery" story
you're looking for, you might wanna make a stop at the market before you
head to The Bottleneck. We're from the northwest, so Salmon is probably
a good choice.
Chip: What kind of animal is staring back at me (with one eye) from your June tour poster and why did you choose that image?
Bryce: It's a goat. 'Cuz goats are evil and shit, dude.
Tell our readers what to expect and how to prepare for your Bottleneck
show. Also, what else is on the horizon for Bone Dance in 2012 in terms
of music and touring?
Bryce: I'd
much rather tell your readers to come with an open mind and ready to
have a good time. Having no expectations keeps you open-minded, and
keeping an open mind is what punk rock is all about, right? Seems like
something people forget all-too often…
We're playing through the west coast / northwest region this August with the San Francisco based band Tigon ( who are fucking phenomenal, and I can't wait to be able to watch them every night.
This October we'll be playing The Fest
alongside some amazing bands like Torche, Coliseum, Capsule, Red Fang,
Baroness, Former Thieves, etc. It's 3 ridiculous days with 150+ bands in
Gainesville, Florida, and we've never been there before, so we're all
really looking forward to getting our Florida cherries popped. Tour
plans around that haven't been fully finalized but they should be
shortly, and I'm sure we'll be going through the Lawrence area around
that time as well.
We have a full-length record coming out this fall. Details on that are being finalized as well, but you can stay tuned to for any and all news updates. We're also on various social networking
bullshit, and on the website we have links to all of those things.

We haven't looked at a rant from the LJ-World opinion page in awhile, and today brings some thoughts about loud music that fit quite well with our Bone Dance interview. The editorial is from a bus driver who has had just about enough of the "boom basses" that today's young whippersnappers are blaring from their vehicles:
"These boom basses stimulate the ire of everyone aboard the bus I drive and causes them all to respond in a very negative way...The boom basses shake the windows in the bus and therefore shake the very body of each and every person there...What right does a person have to destroy the sounds in my car, bus, truck or whatever for the sounds of their horrible “music”?.. Can’t I enjoy what I am listening to without being interrupted by these loud, annoying and disruptive missiles of sound?"
The talkback award goes to Liberty275 who retorts: "Mr Omar, it isn't too loud, you are just too old."
Anyone know the true origin of that famous music quote? We thought it was The Who? Wikiquote says...Ted Nugent (doubtful). Other sources say Dee Snider (also doubtful).
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