Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another Edition of Stuff We Like Featuring 1100 Kinds of Soda, Mr. Budget the Cat, and the Meaning of Life

Readers, Mass Street Soda hasn't even opened for business yet and already we're hyped.  1100 kinds of soda?  How did downtown ever get along without a shop like this?  Give them a like on FB over here.

We never actually met the Noise FM's fabled cat, Mr. Budget, but we certainly feel like we knew him.  His legacy lives on now in a tank top available through the Noise FM website or at Middle of the Map in KC this weekend, where the Noise Boys will be rocking the Westport outdoor stage at 3:00 on Saturday.   

"Proceeds benefit the Tree House Humane Society, a cageless, no-kill humane organization specializing in the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured stray cats."

Our pals down at Liberty Hall are following up a month of Marx Brothers' Marx Madness with a "Month of Python," culminating with the second annual screening of Life of Brian on Easter Sunday.  But we're far more excited about seeing Meaning of Life on the big-screen (a first for us).  It happens on Friday April 11.  Visit the FB event page here

We know that Maggie doesn't like disruptions, but we hope she'll forgive Chip's NEED to sing along with the penis song for just one minute! 

"So three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas!"

Here it is via Youtube:

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