Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Origin Stories of Local Bars / Recent Concert Reviews / Festival of the Week

The LJ-World's weekly "lifestyle magazine," Go, caught readers off-guard this week with a story that is almost interesting: an exploration of the names and storied histories of local boozing establishments. Among the things we learned:

--Wilde's Chateau 24 is indeed named after Oscar Wilde (although the mysterious 24 refers only to the venue's address).

--The Hawk is about more than just pussy. It's also the oldest establishment on campus (really?) and was once known for it's $1.25 blue-plate meat-and-potatoes specials. These days it's a very different kind of meat market and, in our opinion, surely all the better for it.

--Henry's upstairs is named after a dog.

The story offers no information regarding the origins of the Replay Lounge, allowing Richard to continue believing what he's always believed, that the bar was willed into existence by a Supreme Hipster Being who rules over a magical land of "sparklemittens" and "cow clouds" with a PBR in hand at all times.


The release of a new Drakkar Sauna album is always a major event in Larryville, although Richard is secretly convinced they'll never record another song as great as "Very Much Alone, Part 4: Oh Fuck, I'm Fucked, Fuck," Sadly, the boys missed their recent CD release party, so we'll turn to the Wayward Blog's new Larryville correspondent Nick Spac.k for a review:

"I didn't stick around for Drakkar Sauna's set, unfortunately. After over-indulging the night before, shooting pictures at the Lawrence Busker Fest all evening, and the hideous smell coming off the gentleman next to me, I'd had it, and needed to make it home. Seriously ... the fellow knocking back from his private pocket stash of whiskey smelled as if he's bunked with a wet dog, and then gone for a bath in skunk juice."

Chip: "This is my new favorite journalist. Never before has someone so accurately captured the smells of a local concert."


One of the boys' favorite events returns to KC this Saturday: Bacon Fest. Here is some information from the website:

"Guests will enjoy: live music with a special performance by Bacon Shoe, signature bacon bloody mary, bacon centered food samplings, Bacon 101 Cooking Demonstration, Bacon Eating Contest, Pig Calling Contest, Best Bacon Recipe Contests and each guest will get an event t-shirt all their friends will be jealous of."

There's no joke here. It's just that real men enjoy bacon. Long-time fans may recall our post on the "Bacon Explosion," a "massive torpedo-shaped amalgamation of two pounds of bacon woven through and around two pounds of sausage and slathered in barbecue sauce".

Chip: "I had some for breakfast."


  1. "The Hawk is about more than just pussy."

    Funniest shit I've read since someone called Richard a pervert.

  2. the pervert himselfAugust 25, 2009 at 7:55 PM

    Thanks, EW! I was proud of that line too.
